  • Approximately 6 Million men in the US have some form of depressive disorders. Although these illnesses are highly treatable, many men do not recognize, acknowledge, or seek help.. Over 2 million of them are not in any treatment or therapy.
Many men feel:
Expressing fear, hurt or sadness is a sign of emotional weakness.
Feelings are not to be trusted. 
Denial, avoidance and refocusing are the best coping mechanisms. (Source: Family Resource)
  • Major depressive disorder is twice as revalent in women than in men.
  • Women between the ages of 25-44 are most often affected by depression with a major cause of depression in women                     being the inability to express or handle Anger.
  • About 23% of U.S. adolescents are diagnosed with clinical depression each year and over 37% are not in treatment (2008)..
  • In 2007, suicide was the third leading cause of death for young people ages 15 to 24.
  • Over 90% of suicides are committed by persons with depressive symptoms.

  • Premarital counseling can reduce divorce rate by 30%.
  • Research showed a 79% improvement in all marital outcomes for couples who receive premarital counseling 
  • 2/3 of married couples do not seek counseling before divorcing.
  • 25% of Americans over 18 have been divorced.
  • There were fourteen suicides in 2010 as a result of bullying.
  • Bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims, according to studies by Yale University.
  • According to statistics reported by ABC News, nearly 30 percent of students are either bullies or victims, and 160,000 kids stay        home from school every day because of bullying.

References: Bullying Statistics:  National Institutes of Justice: National Institutes of Mental Health: Family Resource: New York Times: Obrien, S. (2010). CNN: Black in America 2. Retrieved from Carroll, J.S. & Doherty, W.J. (2003). Evaluating the effectiveness of premarital prevention programs: A meta-analytic review of outcome research. Family Relations, 52, 105-118. Stanley, S.M., Amato, P.R., Johnson, C.A., & Markman, H.J. (2006).Premarital education, marital quality, and marital stability: Findings from a large, random household survey. Journal of Family Psychology, 20, 1, 117-126.